http://thechronicleherald.ca/business/1321948-offshore-drilling-could-detonate-unexploded-bombs-expert-warns The Major Threat we face for an Incident to occur in an Off-shore Underwater Munitions Sites is non-UXO personnel Risk Mitigating for Oil and Gas Projects. Its Extremely Dangerous to allow General Consultants with no formal education for Underwater Unexploded Ordnance to Risk Mitigate Sites for Oil and Gas, Commissions and Petroleum ...

Learn more about sea dumped chemical weapons in our rivers, lakes, seas and ocean. Left in the marine environment they will destroy our global fish stocks, increase our global heath care costs, increase global cancer rates and continue to create dead zones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BZ88S9OfdU#t=18 Thank you for taking the time to ...

International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM) is a registered Dutch Foundation in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands. IDUM maintains and operates a Board of Directors and an International Technology Advisory Board (ITAB) on Sea Dumped Weapons (SDW’s). IDUM’s goals are to establish an International binding Treaty on all ...

Terry Long believes the world is in great danger. And he’s on a one-man mission to save it. The Sydney native and retired army engineer wants to open the eyes of politicians, international leaders and the general public to the hazards of underwater munitions. Long says munitions found throughout the ...

International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM's) International Technology Advisory Board (ITAB) on Sea Dumped Weapons (SDW) will develop a MOU to provide expert advice on sea dumped chemical and conventional weapons to the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Kingston Jamaica, where IDUM recently became an Observer. The ISA is the seabed ...