Activity People & Passions, TU4 In the picure:IDUM – Underwater Conventional Munitions Site off Nova Scotia, Canada Crusade to eliminate ‘ticking time bombs’ sitting beneath world’s waters  “We all have our own battles to fight and this is mine.” These are the fighting words of Terrance Long, founder and director ...
Please Sign Petition for United Nations Conference on Sea Dumped Weapon's It's common to find underwater weapons in our seas and ocean. Governments continue to hide behind the Potsdam Agreement as justification to do nothing while our fish become contaminated to where they are not fit for human consumption. Chemical contaminates ...
PIC: Toxic Plums from Underwater Weapons Drift in the Seas and Ocean (MEDEA) It's becoming common to find underwater weapons in all our seas and ocean on a daily base. Governments continue to hide behind the Potsdam Agreement as justification to do nothing while our fish become contaminated to where ...
Pic: Cod fish caught during CHEMSEA with cancer tumors, stress on liver and kidneys and increase in the fish being sick...... Globally, in our ocean and seas unexploded munitions lay on our seabed releasing contaminates into our food web and crossing international boundaries. Government sit idle in hopes that the ...
When you sit down to eat fish do you ever wonder where it came from or how safe is it to eat for you and your children? You should know and want to know to protect yourself and children from fish caught in contaminated waters. I personnel known the impact ...