International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions Voluntary Commitment to the UNEP Ocean Action #21356
Establishment of the International Marine Training Centre for Innovative Science and Technology for Sea Dumped Weapons, and Shipborne Disposal Solutions ...

Government won’t remove thousands of tons of potentially toxic chemical weapons dumped off US coasts
By 1972, when the US officially ended its practice of dumping munitions out to sea, tens of thousands of tons ...

More than 60 years of Dumped Weapons in our Ocean are Destorying Global Fish Stocks
The global depletion of fish stock can be traced to the dumping of chemical weapons in the English Channel in ...

USS Akutan dumped 3000 tons of Mustard Gas Bombs at the BP Deepwater Horizon Well
I hope everyone will take a few minutes to watch the short film clip below and SHARE with your friends ...

Warmer water will bring more chemical releases from underwater weapons sites
Munitions become time-expired over time, obsolete, damaged or surplus that requires disposal actions. The seas and ocean has become a ...

Massive Amount of Heavy Metals & Highly Toxic Compounds the Navy introduces into the Environment will not be Cleaned up or help those suffering
Hard to believe that I am trying to get a treaty to clean up underwater munitions only to find that ...

Chair of International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM) meets Justin Trudeau at Opening of Veterans Affairs Office in Sydney
I got up out of bed today wondering how I would continue to create awareness on the devastation, that more than ...

Royal Canadian Navy is sending a ship to determine if a diver has discovered “the lost nuke”
Sean Smyrichinsky found the mystery object during a recent diving trip near Banks Island. My god, I found a UFO. I ...