Presented the United Nations Resolution “Cooperative measures on sea dumped chemical munitions” in 2010 and 2013 at United Nations 2nd Committee on Sustainable Environment
Lead Writer, Expert Panel on Human Health for Underwater Chemical Weapons in US waters for Centre for Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta Georgia
Observer, OSPAR Commission for Protection of the North-East Atlantic Ocean; Heads of Delegations (HOD); Environmental Impacts of Human Activities Committee (EIHA); and Offshore Industry Committee (OIC)
Co-Director of DAIMON, Decision Aid for Marine Munitions, Baltic, Black and North Seas
“Deadly Depths” won best international documentary in 2015 at the German Green Screen Film Fest from more than 400 entries and a Blue Ocean Finalist.
NABU is one of the oldest and largest environment associations in Germany. The association encompasses more than 560,000 members and sponsors, who commit themselves to the conservation of threatened habitats, flora and fauna, to climate protection and energy policy.
IKANAWTIKET is an Aboriginal Peoples Council to serve as a regional Species at Risk focal point residing on their Traditional Ancestral Homelands in the Maritimes.
Chaired, Side Event Sea Dumped Chemical Weapons, Third Review Conference of State Parties, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW); Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
Observer Helsinki Commission for Protection of the Baltic Sea, Head of Delegation (HOD); Ad Hoc Sea Dumped Chemical Weapons Working Group, SUBMERGED Working Group for Hazardous Wrecks and Warfare Materials
Scientific Committee Polish Naval Academy Marine Safety & Security Year book, Gdansk, Poland.
Co-Director for CHEMSEA – Search & Assessment of Chemical Weapons Baltic Sea
Pentarius Project “Manned” Deep Sub Dive Project in eight to ten thousand feet of water in a Chemical Weapons Site off California, including in the Mariana Trench, South Sandwich Trench and Puerto Rico Trench. Pentarius underwater vehicle has a crush rate of 32,000 feet and can go to the deepest areas of the ocean record video and sampling potential areas of concern.
The mission of the IOS is to: control business entities so that the use of the environment respects generally accepted principles and standards; monitoring and evaluation of the state of the environment and the provision of public information and environmental information to the public.
Observer, International Seabed Authority (ISA), Kingston, Jamaica, Law of the Sea. ISA oversees, exploration of rare and enriched minerals (magnesium and enriched cobalt) in some of the regions of our ocean. Chemical Weapons dumping, occurred on a global scale in deep water and is known to migrate hundreds of kilometers on the seafloor. IDUM hope to cooperate with ISA on issues related to technology and ensuring everyone’s safety during exploration.
Co-Director, NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) MODUM, Baltic Sea.
Co-editor 2 Marine Technology Society Journal (MTSJ); and 3 commentaries Special Issues on The Legacy of Underwater Munitions
(GRD), is dedicated to the conservation of wild dolphins and their habitats by supporting research, promoting public awareness and lobbying for better protection.
The Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals is a small charity working to secure the protection of whales, dolphins, seals and other marine mammals, as well as their habitats. Our main focus is on political conservation and education.