International Scientific and Technology Advisory Board (ISTAB)

International Scientific and Technology Advisory Board (ISTAB) on Underwater Munitions (UWM’s), The Hague, The Netherlands;

The purpose of the board was to provide independent advice to the Government of Lithuania on scientific, technical and organizational aspects of dumped chemical munitions in the context of Lithuania’s efforts to promote dialogue and bilateral and multilateral contacts in this area amongst interested governments and international organizations, including the European Union, the OPCW, other relevant international organizations and the United Nations. The situation for underwater munitions is continually changing from a lack of understanding to a position of knowledge, including the continual development of new and emerging marine technologies. With that in mind, the ISAB was disbanded, and a new board was created, International Technology Advisory Board (ITAB) on Sea Dumped Weapons (SDW’s), The Hague, The Netherlands


The board consists of members who are scientists, academics and officials representing ten nationalities and who act in their personal capacities. The ITAB, officially provides independent advice to International Dialogues on Underwater Munitions (IDUM), United Nations, commissions, international bodies and organizations, universities and colleges, and the international community and public as a whole.

Terry's-Picture-for-Dialogue-160 Terrance P. Long CPSM. SSM. CD. *Chair
Retired Canadian Military Engineer; Master’s Project Management; Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD); NATO Advance Improvise Explosive Disposal (IED) Hazardous Materials Technician; Advance Combat Intelligences; EOD Centre Chief; Military Munitions Response Programs Land and Marine; Chemical Warfare and Defense; Research & Development; Training and United Nations Capacity-Building; Mine Action; International Relations, Commissions, Scientific and Technology Boards and Panels; Co-Director three Chemical Weapons Programs on Sea Dumped Weapons.

LinkedIn profile

Thomas-StockDr. Thomas Stock, DYNSAFE Germany, *Co-Chair ITAB
PhD, Chemistry, University Leipzig, 1982; Graduated Chemist, University Leipzig, 1977; Author of several books and more than 120 publications; Dr. Thomas Stock is currently Managing Director at Dynasafe Environmental Systems and he is with Dynasafe since 2002. In his function Dr. Stock performs business development and sales work for munitions destruction systems and containment chambers as well project activities in various areas. He has various expertise in plant construction. Dr. Stock has PhD in chemistry and is trained as analytical chemist.

More about Dr. Thomas Stock

Dr. Stock has been working as an expert in chemical disarmament and arms control from 1987 – 1996. Between 1988 and 1996 he was Researcher and Project Leader for the Chemical and Biological Warfare Project at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Here Dr. Stock conducted research in the following areas: old and abandoned chemical weapons (CW), toxic armament wastes, destruction of CW, alternative CW destruction technologies, toxicology of CW agents, industry verification, analytical verification techniques, national implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, developments with respect to the strengthening of the Biological Weapons Convention and chemical terrorism.


He is in deep familiarized with the OPCW requirements for CW destruction, OCW and ACW, etc. Dr. Stock has extensively published on various issues of analytical chemistry, arms control and disarmament, old and abandoned CW and CW destruction. Besides his analytical background is has knowledge in toxicology questions and decontamination of CW.

Andrzej Jagusiewicz 160Dr. Andrzej Jagusiewicz, *Co-Chair IDUM
Former Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection in Poland, Co-Chairman, International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM), International treaties and relations. A Polish representative in various negotiating and political bodies at United Nations and European Commission; CAFE Steering Committee; Air Quality Committee and Advisory Council of Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Executive Body UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution and Vice-Chair. Moreover, an expert of United Nations and European Commission (TAIEX), a member of Scientific Committee of the French periodical “Pollution Atmospherique”; Numerous publications on various aspects of environmental protection in the era of globalization and regionalization, including the European integration in UN publications.
LinkedIn profile

Jan Willem BroekemaDhr. Jan Willem Broekema, ITAB Strategist
After finishing his military service (1975) Jan Willem Broekema (born 1953) went to study biology, with emphasis on marine biology. His major degree included whales and dolphins (1982). He chairs the Marine Mammal Working Group (1984) and was a co-founder and (council) member of the European Cetacean Society (1987-2008). At the same time he wrote a meta-study on the risks involved with privately breeding edible crops on polluted soil (1983).

More about Jan Willem Broekema
  • He worked later for decades on the social impact of IT on people and organisations, as lecturer, consultant and programme manager but also as vice-president national Data Protection Authority (1984-2005). He followed up by introducing new technology at the level of national government and later by coupling business, local government and knowledge industry to advance the development of innovative technology and solutions (2005-2015).
  • As volunteer he works for several foundations and societies concerning environmental solutions. He prefers to promote networks, both local and in international setting, to accomplish goals that the partners cannot reach alone.

Peter Courtney-GreenRetired, Col Peter Courtney-Green, Consultant in the field of ammunition and explosives.

MBE (Member of the British Empire) (1983)
OBE (Officer of the British Empire) (1987)
NATO Meritorious Service Medal (2005)

Former UK Officer with first-hand experience dumping of munitions in North Sea and Master Theses for Military War College on Dumping of Sea Dumped Weapons in the North Sea.

More about Peter Courtney-Green

Military background:

  • 1993–2009: NATO employee based in Luxembourg responsible for procurement and demilitarization of munitions for NATO countries; planning and execution of NATO outreach projects for demilitarization and security of munitions in Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Jordan, Mauritania, Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.
  • 1963–1992: British Army service including operational tours in Aden, Northern Ireland, Oman and Falkland Islands.
  • Commanding Officer of battalion responsible for EOD/IEDD operations in Great Britain in support of the civil police and special forces.
  • Chief Ammunition Technical Officer, United Kingdom Land Forces.
  • Ministry of Defence: in-service manager of guided missiles, rockets and conventional artillery ammunition.
  • Head of Ammunition Branch, Royal Military College of Science responsible for course design and teaching munitions technology.
  • Commanded specialist unit responsible for battle area clearance in Falkland Islands.


  • Ammunition for the Land Battle, Brassey's, 1991.

(revised and expanded edition in preparation).

  • The Politics of Destroying Surplus Small Arms: Inconspicuous Disarmament,
  • Routledge, 2010, ed Aaron Karp, (with others).


  • MSc (Explosive Ordnance Engineering); included research into deterioration of sea-dumped munitions.

jacekDr. Jacek Beldowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Marine Biology, Ecology and Limnology
Jacek Bełdowski – Graduated from University of Gdańsk in 1998 r., obtaining his Master degree in Marine Biology. Since 2000 employed as a researcher in the Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences. In 2004 he was awarded Ph.D. in Earth Sciences, Specializing in the Mercury Pollution of Marine Ecosystems. He has led several dozens of Baltic and Arctic Expeditions, and participated in several international Research Projects – both in Institute of Oceanology PAS, and in the Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, Warnemuende, on 2 and half year long post-doc stay. Since 2011 he is a coordinator of EU funded Chemical Munitions Search & Assessment (CHEMSEA) project, dealing with chemical munitions in the Baltic, and since 2013 he became the director of NATO SPS project Towards the Monitoring of Dumped Munitions Threat (MODUM). Right now Coordinates EU Interreg project Decision Aid on Marine Munitions – DAIMON
Chemical Munitions – from Search to Monitoring

Dr. Kela Weber
Dr. Kela Weber, Assistant Professor,
Dr. Weber is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and Director of the Environmental Sciences Group (ESG), at the Royal Military College of Canada. Kela is a practicing professional engineer and actively engaged in several scientific organizations including the IWA Specialist Group on Wetlands for Water Pollution Control, the Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, the American Chemical Society, and the Society of Wetland Scientists.

More about Dr. Kela Weber
  • Dr. Weber serves as a Board member for the Beaty Water Research Centre in Canada, and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health. Kela is the Canadian representative and observer for projects in the NATO Science for Peace and Security, and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology programs. Dr. Weber also serves as a scientific resource and advisor to the Government of Canada through the Department of National Defence.
  • As a teacher Dr. Weber shows students how to apply fundamentals to engineering problems with a focus on chemical processes, process design, and methods of data and statistical analysis. As a researcher Kela focuses on the multi-physical aspects of environmental pollution, the role of microbial communities in water treatment and remediation, and quantifying the dynamic response of ecosystems to chemical or environmental stressors. As an applied researcher Dr. Weber’s multidisciplinary research group has contributed to the management and clean-up of over 150 contaminated sites across Canada, with a focus on emerging contaminants, remote locations, and sustainable cost effective solutions. Kela has published over 400 scientific journal articles, conference proceedings, and government reports.

Elkhorn_Coral Disease Survey James_W_Porter Portrait 8Dr. James W.  Porter, Meigs Professor of Ecology Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Ph.D. – Yale University *Conventional munitions and coral reef expert; faculty member in the School of marine Programs, Water Resources and Conservation Ecology; Research in Theoretical ecology, Coral reefs, Predator-prey dynamics and Marine ecosystems; his research includes Successional dynamics of marine benthos, Georgia coast and Florida coral reefs; ecological physiology and oxygen metabolism in benthic marine invertebrates.
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. ProJanina Baršienė,
Lead Scientist, Head of Genotoxicology Laboratory
Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania; Education: M.Sc. – Vilnius University, Department of Botany & Genetics, 1973; PhD – Institute of Cytology, Sankt Peterburg; 1979 Dr. habilitatus – Institute of Ecology, Vilnius, 1993; 2010 – present – Leading Scientist of the Institute of Ecology of Nature Research Center;1993 – 2009 – Leading Scientist of the Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University; 1989 – 1993 – Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Ecology; 1984 – 1989 – Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Zoology & Parasitology

Dr. Ralf Trapp
An independent disarmament consultant (chemical and biological weapons), working out of France. He is a chemist and toxicologist by training. After receiving a PhD from the Technical University for Chemistry “Carl Schorlemmer” Leuna-Merseburg (former GDR) in 1978, he worked with GDR Academy of Sciences on chemical toxicology.

Mr. Menno Kleijn, Boskalis Hirdes,
Dredging operations for unexploded ordnance and weapons, The Netherlands; Boskalis is one of the world’s largest dredging company, that have encounters munitions during dredging operations in a number of countries.

Dr. Alex Souchen, SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow, Wilfrid Laurier University
Canadian Military Historian at the Laurier Centre for Military, Strategic, and Disarmament Studies.
Canadian Military Historian University of Western Ontario; Research on War Assets Corporation and the Disposal of Canada’s Munitions and Supplies, 1943-1948, including ocean dumping of Canadian munitions after World War II”
Curriculum Vitae

Mr. James Barton, Underwater Ordnance Recovery, USA
Former US Navy Diver and research and development for Underwater Munitions Recovery Technology

Dr. Vadum Paka, Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute, Institute of Oceanography

Arthur Hollmann, UXO Offshore Services
Curriculum Vitae

Olivier MattmannOlivier Mattmann, Hotzone Solutions
Olivier Mattmann has been Hotzone Solutions’s CEO since May 2010. His professional background includes 16 years with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), where he acted for six years as international Team Leader Inspector Chemical Munitions Specialist and developed extensive experience of training CBRNe and other specialize team in real environment. His responsibilities included the planning, preparation and implementation of the training of inspectors; the execution of live agent trainings with chemical warfare agents; radiation protection; analytical chemistry; nondestructive testing evaluation of munitions/containers/IEDS. Olivier Mattmann also worked for four years as a military officer in the NBC platoon, where he worked in close relationship with the French protection civil for the development of policies, scenario and emergency procedures for the response to terrorist and hazardous material incidents. He has a bachelor of science and an Engineer Diploma in Nuclear Physics from the Delft Technical University in the Netherlands.