Born on 30 March 1941 in Warsaw. A graduate of the Environmental Engineering Department at the Warsaw University of Technology (1964), Post-Graduate Foreign Trade Studies at the Warsaw School of Commerce (1971) and the Summer School of Renewable Energy Sources at the University of PARIS VII (1974). In 1976 he earned a doctoral degree in atmospheric pollution forecasting at the Warsaw University of Technology. He speaks English, French and Russian. For 40 years of his professional career he has held responsible positions in government administration, United Nations organs, scientific, business and non-governmental organizations.
A co-founder of the industry dealing with dust collecting facilities construction in Poland and the Institute of Environmental Protection. He has been, among others, the head of research centres, the director of diplomatic protocol at the Chancellery of the Polish Sejm, the Office Director at the National Labour Inspectorate, the Director of the Department of Monitoring, Assessments and Forecasts at the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and most recently – the Manager of his own consulting company named “Clean Air for Europe -KlinEr” as well as a member of the management board at the “Ekorozwój” Polish Economic Chamber. Almost half of his life he has worked abroad, among others, for Electricite et Gaz de France in Paris (generating electric and heating power), the company PRAT-DANIEL S.A. also in Paris (designing dust collection facilities), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva (transboundary air and water pollution plus the overviews of environmental protection policies implemented by the countries undergoing economic transformations), and recently a representative of the European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) with its seat in Delf (the Netherlands) in the organs of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.
A Polish representative in various negotiating and political bodies in the United Nations and the European Commission, among others, the CAFE Steering Commitee, the Air Quality Committee and the Advisory Council of the programme Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) or the Executive Body of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (also its Vice-Chair). Moreover, an expert of the United Nations and the European Commission (TAIEX), a member of the Scientific Committee of the French periodical “Pollution Atmospherique” and a university lecturer.
Numerous publications on various aspects of environmental protection in the era of globalization and regionalization, including the European integration in UN publications and foreign, mostly French, periodicals. One of his first books was published in 1981 and it was entitled “Powietrze, Człowiek, Środowisko” (Air, Man, Environment). The most recent publications include: the preparation of a special edition of the scientific periodical POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUE (December 2002) devoted to air protection strategies and policies in the countries undergoing economic transformations, co-participation in an overview published by the United Nations and devoted to the review of environmental protection policy of Serbia and Montenegro (June 2003), articles on state control in promoting sustainable development (September 203), the influence of the Thematic Strategy for Air Protection and the CAFE programme on Poland’s economy (2004-2006), environmental monitoring as well as Polish energetic and climate policies.
A co-author of the book in English “Cleaning the Air” published in November 2004 by the United Nations and a co-editor and co-author of the publication released by Biblioteka Monitoringu Środowiska entitled “25 lat implementacji Konwencji EKG/ONZ w sprawie transgranicznego zanieczyszczenia powietrza na dalekie odległości” (The 25 years of the UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution) and The Indicative Report on the State of the Environment in Poland vis a vis the Community Background both in Polish and English.
A key note speaker at the Second International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (February 2009, Hawaii), member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Sea-Dumped Chemical Weapons, coordinator of the Flagship Project “Assess the need to clean up contaminated wrecks and chemical weapons” under the European Union Strategy for Baltic Sea Region (activities encompass identification of the current priority threats and establishment of the costs and benefits of any possible action through agreed research programmes) and initiator of the HELCOM MUNI group. Since 2011 Mr. Andrzej Jagusiewicz also holds a function of Marine Director appointed under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, and is Vice-Chairman of the National Environmental Council.”
He does not belong to any political party. Married, the father of a son and two daughters.