AAEAAQAAAAAAAAJRAAAAJDBiMjMzZGUwLWU1MjktNDc5ZC05ZGIwLTAwODMxYjEyOWU1ZAPic: Cod fish caught during CHEMSEA with cancer tumors, stress on liver and kidneys and increase in the fish being sick……

Globally, in our ocean and seas unexploded munitions lay on our seabed releasing contaminates into our food web and crossing international boundaries. Government sit idle in hopes that the munitions will magically disappear or just go away. Its the Governments that tell us these fish are safe to eat while they continually change policy to allow for greater human consumption of carcinogens. There actions demonstrates their lack of understanding or willing to address this major “Food Security Concern” that by itself will destroy the ocean and seas has we know them. Its time to call on your country’s leadership to host an emergency conference at the United Nations to discuss global clean-up of these “Point Source Emitters of Pollution”. We only have one ocean and the first major impact are being felt in the Baltic and Black Seas.

Terrance P. Long Chairman, IDUM, www.underwatermunitions.org